Zodiac, and Equinoxes Precession

Question: What was the original purpose or symbolism of the pentagram before it became associated with negative connotations?


The precession of the Equinoxes (sometimes simply called precession), is a movement of the celestial equator (the projection of Earth’s equator into space) with respect to the fixed stars and the ecliptic (the path of the sun’s motion in space as viewed from Earth). These two great circles in space are inclined to one another by an angle of approximately 23.5°, called the obliquity.  Their intersection defines the equinox. The equator moves from east to west—in the same direction as the daily motion of the sun—at a rate of about 50.2° per year.

Ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus (c. 166–125 BC) discovered precession when he compared positions of stars for his epoch with observations made 150 years earlier by ancient Greek astronomer and philosopher Timocharis of Alexandria (c. 320–260 BC).  Hipparchus determined that the precession was at least 36˝ per year and probably in the range 45 to 46˝, close to the modern value (although the value is not the same in all parts of the sky).

Although precession was discovered in antiquity, its cause was unexplained until formulated in the seventeenth century.  In his Principia Mathematica, English physicist and mathematician Sir Issac Newton (1643– 1727) demonstrated that precession results from the nonspherical shape of Earth.  Consider the motion of another nonspherical object, a spinning top. If the top were not spinning, but merely balanced on its axis, a slight push would topple it over because the gravitational pull on one side would exceed that on the other. However, with the top spinning, the force generated by the spin prevents the top from falling, moving it in a direction perpendicular to the line of gravitational pull. The top’s axis, then, precesses, and it traces a cone in space, (Britannica).

(Nimrod's mother is reputed to have altered the "Heavenly message", and created the "Zodiac", Zodiac/Nimrod/Nephilim & Connections: Rev. Chp. 14:1(b), of which there is a copy in the temple at Dendera in Egypt. She is also reputed to have treated Nimrod as her husband sexually)! 

Nimrod was "great in rebellion against God" (Gen. 10:9) the word "before", Str. Hebrew 6440 can be either; "the face that turns", is from the number 6437, "to turn", "to face up to", "to turn aside / away", "turn the back", "turn the face", "turn the self", or as chosen by the translators, "before".  Both are prepositional, but the context of Nimrod's story gives the sense, i.e., he was a great rebel against Jehovah, and in great sin in his life in the face of Jehovah.  He and his mother were founders of false "religion" in Babylon). Babylon became the fountainhead of Satanic opposition to Jehovah God, until its destruction, and the removal of its priests to Pergamos (Antolia).

Isa. 21:9 & Rev. 18:2. As mentioned, Babylon is the source of all pagan religions. That progressed strongly under Nimrod and his mother. Their work has spread worldwide, and their pagan heritage is in all countries, and as well as religions, is showing in all human activity.  As mentioned above, all religions or human activity which does not acknowledge Acts. 4:12, is of Babylon!

We are told in Rev.14:8 that Babylon is fallen (see Mystery Babylon:).  When that happens, all the world's systems, Governments, Institutions, trade and commerce, religions and beliefs, ideas and opinions etc., will be brought to nothing, and will stand helpless before Almighty Jehovah Zebaoth!



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